Lighten the Fuck Up! Father Michael Woke Up Early to Shower, but He Never Expected This...

amoklv. Getty Images.

Early one morning, before anyone else was up, Father Michael went to the male shower room. He was undressed and standing in the shower when he realized there was no soap anywhere… 

He remembered buying a couple of bars of soap a few days prior and leaving them in his room. Not bothering to put anything on for the quick jaunt back to his room, he went to get them… 

He grabbed the two bars of soap, one in each hand, and headed back to the shower room. 

Halfway down the hallway, he suddenly saw three young nuns who had just recently taken their initial vows heading in his direction. In a moment of sheer panic, he stood against the wall motionless, like he was a statue, hoping they would just walk by. 

The three nuns stopped and commented on how life-like the statue looked. The first nun suddenly reached out and pulled on its manhood. Startled, Father Michael dropped a bar of soap but remained motionless otherwise. 

"Oh look," the first nun said, pointing to the fallen bar of soap, "it's a soap dispenser!"

The second nun giggled, and then she pulled on its manhood. Sure enough, Father Michael dropped the second bar of soap. 

The third nun decided it was her turn to give it a go. She pulled on its manhood once, twice, and then a third time, but nothing happened. Frustrated and not to be outdone, she gripped the statue's manhood tighter and then gave it several rapid tugs… 

And then she yelled like she'd hit the jackpot, "Holy Mary, Mother of God! It's a liquid soap dispenser too!"                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #219!

Just in case you missed the last one…


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